Other Organization's Activities

Government secretaries should come out of BATB board soon: Planning Minister

Minister of Planning M.A. Mannan MP has commented that the secretaries should leave the board of BATB quickly so that there is no interference in tobacco control and government policies. He made this brief while speaking as the chief guest at a meeting titled ‘Tobacco Company CSR; Myth and Reality’ jointly organized by Work for […]

Strong Campaign Need to Implement Tobacco-Free Bangladesh: Information Minister

To protect public health, the Prime Minister announced that it is necessary to amend the existing tobacco control law to implement Tobacco-Free Bangladesh by 2040. In this situation, it is necessary to run a coordinated strong campaign at all levels, said the Minister of Information. Hasan Mahmud MP. The information minister stated at a national […]

Tobacco tax hike to add extra Tk 9,200 cr revenue, curb smoking

Speakers at a virtual view exchange meeting on Tuesday opined that increasing tobacco tax will add Tk.  9,200 crore additional revenue from the sale of cigarettes at the same time it will contribute to control tobacco consumption. The virtual meeting with the members of the Executive Committee of the Economic Reporters Forum (ERF) was organized […]

Strict laws needed for a tobacco-free Bangladesh

Strict tobacco control laws are needed to ensure a tobacco-free Bangladesh declared by Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina. To achieve this goal, it’s important to have stronger tobacco control laws and effective taxation policies on tobacco products. Parliamentarians on Thursday made the observation at a discussion meeting titled, ‘Actions for Achieving Tobacco-Free Bangladesh’ Declared by Prime […]

Pressure must continue to amend tobacco law: Planning Minister

In Bangladesh, 35.3% of adults use some form of tobacco. Due to tobacco-related diseases, 1 lakh 61 thousand people died every year. Realizing the awfulness of tobacco, the Prime Minister has announced to make the country tobacco-free by 2040. To achieve that, Planning Minister M.A Mannan MP has suggested that pressure be exerted on all […]

MPs demanded two tire cigarette price and increasing tobacco taxes

Members of parliament demanded the introduction of a specific tax system instead of ad-valorem and increase in prices of all tobacco products, reduction of the existing price tire of cigarettes from 4 to 2 and increase in taxes and prices of low tire cigarettes to protect public health. These issues came up during a discussion […]

‘Many tobacco companies yet to follow health warning rules’

A study finds that tobacco companies are still flouting the law even six years after rules of printing the graphic health warning on tobacco packets were made mandatory. The researchers involved in the study said that in the last six years, the tobacco companies have not properly issued graphic health warning on the tobacco products, […]

Webinar on tobacco cessation prog held

Tobacco Control and Research Cell (TCRC) of Dhaka International University, Bangladesh Anti-Tobacco Alliance (BATA) and Bangladesh Cancer Society have jointly organised a webinar on “Importance of National Tobacco Cessation Programmes in Bangladesh”. The webinar was held on Tuesday (July 6) Prof Dr Golam Mohiuddin Faruque, Project Director and Additional Secretary of Bangladesh Cancer Society, in […]

VOICE organized a workshop with Law Reporters Forum

Voices for Interactive Choice & Empowerment (VOICE) in collaboration with Law Reporters Forum (LRF) organized an orientation workshop to orient LRF member journalists on the necessity of the amendment of existing Tobacco Control and Usage Act (2005; amended 2013) to safeguard the public health and enormous level of economic loss due to health and tobacco related burden. The […]

Anti-tobacco activists demand tax hike on tobacco

Around 100 anti-tobacco activists from across the country on 5 May expressed solidarity virtually to the demand of imposing specific tax on cigarettes and all other tobacco products. They took the social networking platform Facebook to stage their demand, said a news release. The participants posted their pictures with the slogan ‘Raise tax on tobacco […]

TCRC arranged a webinar on the occasion of the World No Tobacco Day

The Tobacco Control & Research Cell (TCRC) of Dhaka International University (DIU) has arranged a webinar on the occasion of the World No-Tobacco Day, which is observed around the world on May 31 every year. The webinar on ‘Health Risk of Tobacco and the Role of Youth Society’ was held on Wednesday (May 26). Adviser […]

Laws need to be amended to protect young people

A discussion meeting was held on March 21 2021, in the conference room of the Department of Youth Development in Motijheel, Dhaka based on “The role of youth in achieving the goal of building a tobacco-free Bangladesh” jointly organized by Youth Development Organization, National Youth Leadership Forum, Bangladesh Anti-tobacco Alliance, Prottasha Anti-Drug Organization and WBB […]

It is Important to Impose Specific Taxes on Tobacco Products

Economic Reporters Forum, Bangladesh Anti-Tobacco Alliance and Work for a Better Bangladesh Trust jointly organized a discussion on Necessary Imposition of Specific Tax on Tobacco Products on February 28, 2021. Adv. Syed Mahbubul Alam (TA, The Union), Gauss Pierre (Director, WBB Trust), Anti-tobacco researcher Shushanta Sinha (Special Correspondent, Jamuna TV) were attended at the meeting chaired by Sharmin Rinvi […]

Bangladesh Censor Board has Assured to Take Proper Initiatives to Implement TC Law

A discussion meeting titled ‘Implementation of Tobacco Control Laws in Films’ was held on 28th January 2021 Thursday with the joint initiative of the Department of Film and Publication, Bangladesh Film Censor Board, Bangladesh Anti-Tobacco Alliance and WBB Trust. Md. Jasim Uddin (Vice Chairman, Bangladesh Film Censor Board), Saifuddin Ahmed (Coordinator, Bangladesh Anti-Tobacco Alliance) and other dignitaries addressed their remarks at […]

Permanent funding & specific workplan must for tobacco control

On 12 January 2021, Work for a Better Bangladesh Trust jointly with Bangladesh Anti-Tobacco Alliance (BATA), organized a Conference on sustainable Tobacco Control in Bangladesh with the support of The Union. Government and non-government officials, representatives from international organizations, environmentalists, public health experts, agriculturists, media representatives, and anti-tobacco activists from across the country took part […]

Stop the influence of tobacco companies in all public health policies

Tobacco companies are obstructing the implementation of different laws and policies of the country. The Bangladesh Anti-Tobacco Alliance and the WBB Trust organized a demonstration program in front of the Shahbagh National Museum on December 9, 2020, demanding legislation to curb the influence of tobacco companies on all public health policies. Speakers at the program […]

Call for a Code of Conduct to prevent the Interference of Tobacco Companies

The Department of Medical Health Education will take effective initiatives to control tobacco in compliance with the Tobacco Control Law, World Health Organization’s Framework Convention on Tobacco Control-FCTC, and the implementation of the ‘Tobacco-free Bangladesh by 2040’ suffixes promised by the Hon’ble Prime Minister. Professor Dr. AHM Enayet Hossain, Director General of the Department of […]

A Roadmap is being prepared to make the Bangladesh Tobacco Free by 2040 -Add. Secretary of MOHFW in a meeting

Divisional Commissioner Office- Dhaka, Bangladesh Anti-Tobacco Alliance, The Union & Work for a Better Bangladesh Trust jointly organized a meeting titled “Necessity of law implementation to achieve the goal of a tobacco-free Bangladesh” on November 17, 2020 at conference room of the Dhaka Divisional Commissioner’s Office. Speaking as the chief guest in the meeting Jebunnesa […]

‘Free tobacco control policies from the influence of tobacco companies’

Speakers at an event urged the government to formulate specific guidelines to keep tobacco control policies free from the influence of tobacco companies. Leaders of the Bangladesh Anti-Tobacco Alliance and the Work for Better Bangladesh Trust made the plea at a human chain held in the city on Wednesday. More than 50 people from eight anti-tobacco […]

Call to formulate special ordinance against e-cigarette

Speakers at a discussion have said that tobacco companies are applying various tactics over use of electronic cigarette, which is known as e-cigarette. The companies are promoting e-cigarette and encouraging youths in various ways, which poses a serious threat to the young generation. Against this backdrop, it is important to impose ban on e-cigarette in […]

Formulation of Tobacco Control Policies demanded

It is time to take steps to stop tobacco companies from interfering in public health laws and policies. In the present situation, in the light of the International Tobacco Control Agreement (FCTC), it is very important to formulate a specific guideline in this regard and formulate a code of conduct on how government officials / […]

It is important for health care officials to take steps to control tobacco

FCTC Article 5.3, an international covenant, emphasizes the protection of tobacco control policies. The Department of Health is playing a vital role in implementing the steps taken to strengthen the immune system of the people of the state and to develop the health system. To accelerate infectious disease and tobacco control programs the officials of […]

Skill Building Workshop on Tobacco Control Law Implementation

A joint initiative of the Bangladesh Anti-Tobacco Alliance and the WBB Trust held an online “Skills Enhancement in Tobacco Control Law Enforcement” workshop on July 9, 2020 at 11 am. Representatives of 80 non-governmental organizations from 8 divisions of the country attended at the workshop organized with the support of The Union. The workshop emphasized […]

Reaction of 18 organizations to the budget proposal for the fy 2020-21

18 anti-tobacco organizations gave reaction to the pricing of tobacco products in the budget proposal for the fiscal year 2020-21. Please read in Bengali below: বাজেটে প্রস্তাবিত তামাক কর কাঠামো তামাক কোম্পানীকে লাভবান এবং জনগণ ও সরকারকে ক্ষতিগ্রস্ত করবে গত ১১ জুন জাতীয় সংসদে মাননীয় অর্থমন্ত্রী ২০২০-২১ অর্থ-বছরের বাজেট ঘোষণা করেছেন। প্রতি বছরের মত এবারো […]

Task force must be active to enforce tobacco control law

Anti-tobacco activists opine at virtual conference task force must be active to enforce tobacco law. The webinar on tobacco law held on Saturday 2 May 2020. Anti-tobacco activists have expressed outrage that advertising and promotion activities of the tobacco companies are continuing during corona virus crisis. They expressed their displeasure at a webinar titled ‘Implementation […]

Demand to exclude tobacco from the list of cash crops

Tobacco is an obstacle in all sectors of development, including health, economics and environment. (Krishi Biponana Aiyn, 2018) Agricultural Marketing Act, 2018 has enlisted tobacco as cash crop. It will help to develop and expand tobacco production and consumption. As a result progress of tobacco control activities will be greatly interrupted. In this circumstance, Bangladesh […]

Tobacco companies must be regulated strictly

Tobacco companies are putting ‘death knell’ at people’s hands. Not only that, they are delaying in formulating helpful policies in public health development and creating obstacles in implementing these policies. Tobacco companies must be strictly regulated so that the policies and initiatives taken in the public interest are not harmed. For this, proper implementation of […]

Tobacco companies intend to victimize youths in drug addiction by weakening tobacco control laws – Speakers of BATA press conference

Most of the population consists of youth, aging 10-24, in Bangladesh. Tobacco companies target youths to get long term consumers. They are trying to influence ministries and government officials to weaken the policies. Ministry of Agriculture, National Bureau of Revenue, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Industries and Ministry of Commerce should prepare a road map […]

N’ganj DC assures to continue support against tobacco

Deputy Commissioner (DC) of Narayanganj Md Jasim Uddin has assured the anti-tobacco activists of continuing his assistance to control the tobacco use in the future. He said that he works against tobacco and will continue his support against the tobacco use. The DC made the assurance at a meeting with anti-tobacco activists on Wednesday. A […]

Dhaka Divisional meeting on Implementation of Effective Pictorial Warning on Tobacco Products

A divisional meeting was organized on ‘Actions on Implementation of Effective Pictorial Warning on Tobacco Products’ on 11th September 2019 at the conference room of office of Commissioner of Dhaka Division. National Tobacco Control Cell, Health Service Division, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Office of Commissioner of Dhaka Division, Bangladesh Anti Tobacco Alliance, Tobacco […]

National Level Workshop on Implementation of Tobacco Control Law & TAPS Ban

In Bangladesh, half of the total populations are young. Tobacco companies are launching aggressive promotion of tobacco products by violating tobacco control law to attract young generation in tobacco use. Although the government continued their efforts to implement the Tobacco Control Act, tobacco companies are violating the law and encouraging the people for consuming tobacco products. Potential youths and […]

Proper tobacco taxation can increase revenue up to 100 billion taka

Currently the tobacco taxation system in Bangladesh is complex and tier based. It is very important to formulate a strong Tobacco Tax Policy. If the existing taxation system is reformed in the light of the recommendations given by public health and anti-tobacco organizations, it would encourage nearly 6.42 million current adult smokers to quit, reduce premature deaths […]

Aanti-tobacco activists demand transparency of discussion with Tobacco Company

Anti-tobacco activists urged for ensuring accountability and transparency of all discussion with tobacco companies and imposing higher tax on all tobacco products. On 23 April 2018, Bangladesh Anti-Tobacco Alliance (BATA) and Anti-Tobacco Women Alliance (TABINAJ) jointly conducted a sit-in place program in front of National Board of Revenue (NBR). Representatives from various anti-tobacco organizations were […]

Other Organization's Activities -