Capacity Building -

Capacity Building

Capacity development

Capacity building on tobacco taxation issues is one of the main agendas of Bangladesh Network for Tobacco Taxation Policy (BNTTP). As part of capacity building, we will share policy documents, research reports, journal articles, presentations, news and related materials.

The knowledge Hub will also arrange training courses at Bureau of Economic Research (BER) focusing on concepts of types of tax with their strengths and weakness; tax burden; elasticity of demand and elasticity of supply; the nature and structure of taxation of tobacco products; methods to calculate tax revenue obtained from tobacco products; tax burden and price elasticity; tax imposition in different countries with a diverse tobacco economy; evidence on effective tax collection and tracking systems; barriers to policy implementation; Bangladesh context: tax policy, optimum level of taxation, revenue from tobacco taxation; and affordability and health impact.

The course will be open for people who work on issues related to tobacco taxation or are interested to learn more about tobacco taxation.


Taxing all cigarette brands at a specific tax rate of 34 taka per 10 sticks (70% of retail price) could lead nearly 7 million current smokers to quit and prevent 7 million youth from initiating smoking.

The International Tobacco Control Policy Evaluation Project

Tobacco Price and Taxation Policies in Bangladesh

Smokeless Tobacco and Public Health in Bangladesh

Despite the high prevalence of smokeless tobacco (SLT) use among adults in Bangladesh, SLT was not included in the Tobacco Control Law till 2013.

Non-Communicable Diseases

This policy brief is based on the World Bank’s recent publication: Capitalizing on the Demographic Transition: Tackling Non-communicable Diseases in South Asia (2011).